Sunday, May 26, 2024

I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons by Peter S. Beagle

May 21, 2024

I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons by Peter S. Beagle

Robert the dragon exterminator hates his job - his dream is to become valet to a prince. When he is called to the castle in Bellemontagne, he quickly discovers that they are infested with dragons. And the dragon vermin must go immediately, before Princess Cerise's prospective groom, Prince Reginald, becomes aware of them. But Reginald has his own problems: his father has sent him on a quest to slay a dragon, a BIG dragon (as one of those "it'll make a man of you" ideas) and he enlists Robert to help him.

It's the Princess Bride meets Terry Pratchett in this fairy tale, with a beautiful princess, a clueless prince, a long-winded evil wizard, and a brave but humble and practical hero who doesn't want to go on a dragon quest, but grits his teeth and gets the job done. It's Peter S. Beagle - what more do you want? Beautiful cover, too. Recommended for readers who enjoy high fantasy or fairy tales.

Many thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for providing an eARC for review.

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