Sunday, June 9, 2024

Tits Up by Sarah Thornton

June 8, 2024

Tits Up by Sarah Thornton

After the author had a double mastectomy and breast reconstruction, she began to think about what having breasts meant. Her interviews included sex workers, plastic surgeons, and bra designers. Some of her findings were surprising, including the eroticization of breasts as a Western phenomenon, and since the majority of plastic surgeons are men, they tend to give a patient D cup size implants, no matter what size the patient requested, like some hold-over from the Playboy era in the 1960s. The author also discovered that her own implants were incorrectly positioned. 

The expression "tits up" is believed to have originated among drag queens and means roughly the same thing as "break a leg" in the theater, although the expression is also used to mean that something is a disaster, as in "it's all gone tits up." Recommended for readers who enjoy micro-histories about unusual subjects.

Classic drag queen Lady Bunny

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