Friday, April 21, 2023

The Ferryman by Justin Cronin

April 19, 2023

The Ferryman by Justin Cronin

The country of Prospera consists of three islands: the main island of Prospera where citizens live, work, and play; the Annex, where support workers live, commuting back and forth to their jobs in Prospera; and the Nursery, the island where Prosperans are recycled to new existences. Although it seems to be Utopia for Prosperan citizens, not everyone is happy with this arrangement, and revolt is brewing among the residents of the Annex. Or is it?

The first 2/3 of the book is fabulous; I read it in a single day and could not put the book down. But the last third - not so much. We find out that the first 2/3 of the book is just a dream, a fantasy world created by the characters. Been there, done that, used to have the t-shirt (am I the only person who watched LOST or St. Elsewhere? Or the old TV show Dallas, where mercifully at least only one season was a dream? Maybe the author is figuring no one over 20 reads his books, so they've never heard of a dream sequence before). The it-was-all-just-a-dream is a copout when a writer doesn't know how to finish up a story in a satisfying manner. And there is more than one ending - what is this, choose your own story? Really disappointing after such a great start.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an eARC for review.

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