Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Faculty Lounge by Jennifer Mathieu

August 15, 2024

The Faculty Lounge by Jennifer Mathieu

A year in the lives of the teachers and staff at a large urban high school, beginning with the sudden death of a substitute teacher in the faculty lounge (conveniently between classes, so that the office staff has time to find someone to fill in for him).

Character driven storyline rather than plot driven, with each chapter devoted to a different character and how they became the people they are. Endearing characters from the young janitor to the curmudgeonly veteran math teacher, who all want the best for their students and co-workers as they fight against a school system more concerned with test scores than education. Even if you're not in education, you'll appreciate the camaraderie and sarcasm. Recommended for readers of contemporary fiction.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an eARC for review.

Traditional no-frills teacher's lounge

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