Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Windsor Conspiracy by Georgie Blalock

September 7, 2024

The Windsor Conspiracy by Georgie Blalock

King Edward VIII abdicated his throne in order to marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee and the love of his life. But their plans backfired: they expected the Prime Minister and Parliament to change the law so that Edward could marry Wallis and still remain king. But the government accepted his abdication and proclaimed his younger brother King George VI. Edward and Wallis never forgave the government or the royal family for allowing the abdication and exiling them from Britain. Worse yet, they fell in with anyone who flattered them, no matter how evil they were (think Hitler, Mussolini, etc.).

An honest portrait of the Windsors, historically accurate; the author has very little sympathy for them and rightly so. While the Duke was spoiled, lazy, and dim, Wallis and her friends were passing information about British war plans to the Nazis, believing that if the Nazis conquered Britain, they would restore the Duke to the throne he had tossed aside. All their lives, the Windsors were two people who gravitated toward the wrong types of people, as long as they flattered the Windsors and paid their bills. If you are interested in reading another book about the Windsors, try Beatriz Williams' The Golden Hour, about the Windsors time in the Bahamas during WW II. 

Many thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for providing an eARC for review.

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor in their later years

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