Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Hope for the Best by Jodi Taylor

April 30, 2023

Hope for the Best by Jodi Taylor

The historians from St. Mary's are back for another adventure, this time working in conjunction with the Time Police. Somehow, 16th century England has gone completely off the rails. There is a Tudor queen on the throne but it's the wrong one - it's Jane Grey rather than Elizabeth. Drake lost to the Spanish Armada, France and Scotland are both invading, and evil Queen Jane has fled to the Continent. Meanwhile, arch-villain Clive Ronan continues to evade the Time Police, traveling up and down the time map. Which, incidentally, Max's son Matthew broke. Completely by accident. Meanwhile, nasty Malcolm Halcombe has taken over St. Mary's and is trying to figure out where everyone is (they're in hiding in some prehistoric time somewhere in the western U.S., probably Wyoming or Montana). 

Another entertaining entry in the Chronicles of St. Mary's series. Most of the regulars appear, including Adrian and Mikey and their teapot time travel pod, still just two hours ahead of the Time Police. The Time Police prove they are just as unprincipled as ever, even if they are supposed to be allied with St. Mary's. And Max travels to the lost kingdom of Kush with a couple of gangsters, who do the usual gangster double-cross. Great fun, looking forward to getting the next book, where I seriously hope they will finally catch Clive Ronan, since I'm a little tired of him.

The Lost Kingdom of Kush, where Max and two mobsters cause a riot during a religious festival

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