Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The King's Pleasure by Alison Weir

April 28, 2023

The King's Pleasure by Alison Weir

On his deathbed, Henry VIII reflection on his life, his good and evil deeds, and how he will be remembered.

After writing about his six wives, Alison Weir is finally giving Henry VIII his day in court. Weir is a historian and the reader learns about the history of England in the 16th century as well as the events that shaped Henry as a man and a ruler. Even people who don't like history tend to be fascinated by the Tudors, Henry VIII in particular, but what most people don't realize is that the only thing Fat Harry is remembered for is being married six times and murdering two of his wives. Otherwise he was a rather mediocre king, squandering the massive treasury left to him by his father on futile wars and entertainments. Rather than tending to matters of state, he turned them over to advisers like Wolsey and Cromwell and spent his time enjoying himself with his friends. He was obsessed with fathering sons, convinced that a woman couldn't be an effective ruler, even though his advisers and fellow monarchs all told him that there was no reason that Mary could not be his heir and a successful ruler (even though the three longest reigning and most successful English monarchs WERE queens: Elizabeth I, Victoria, and Elizabeth II). 

Weir deals rather gently with Henry and is sympathetic to him compared with other biographers. She downplays the fact that due to his suspicious nature, Henry eventually executed almost all of his friends and relatives. He was rather gullible and a notoriously bad judge of character. His motto should have been "it's not my fault." 

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an eARC for review.

Fat Harry - even in later years, he fancied himself to be quite a hunk - when he got fat (it's estimated that he weighed around 400 lbs), the courtiers started padding their clothes to look fat like him - he didn't look anything like the actor who played him in the Tudors cable TV series

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