Monday, May 15, 2023

Plan for the Worst by Jodi Taylor

May 11, 2023

Plan for the Worst by Jodi Taylor

The good people from St. Mary's Institute for Historic Research are back for another wild adventure. Max and her family visit Iron Age America, where they unexpectedly encounter a group of lost Vikings. Then, when a government official expresses a desire to find out what really happened to the princes in the tower, Max and director Bairstow jump to 15th century London, timed for the last known date that the princes were seen. Finally, her team jumps to Bronze Age Crete to witness the bull jumpers, King Minos, and the earthquake that destroyed the city of Knossos. But events from the past and future shake the foundations of Max's world, causing her to question what is true and who she can trust.

This is really Mr. Markham's book. We get his backstory but he also becomes a father (although we still don't know if he and Hunter are married) when Nurse Hunter's baby is born. The Time Police make several appearances and Max works to restore goodwill between them and St. Mary's. And Clive Ronan finally takes things too far and destroys himself. Good. I was tired of Clive a few books back.

And if you're going to test whether your windows, walls, or pods can withstand being hit by a bird, remember (and I'm quoting NASA here): "Gentlemen, thaw your chickens." Read the book and you'll get the reference.

Ancient city of Knossos

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