Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Another Place, Another Time by Jodi Taylor

June 7, 2023

Another Place, Another Time by Jodi Taylor

Just when things seem to be settling down at St. Mary's, things go balls up again, this time in a big way. There's a marriage, a birth and a death (maybe). Markham and his family (nurse Diana Hunter and baby daughter Flora) are off on "family leave," Leon has take St. Mary's young people (his son Matthew, and Adrian and Mikey) off to scout a new location for a safe haven for St. Mary's people and the archives should the need ever arise (again), and Max and the others take the new head of security on her first jump to investigate the death of Amy Robsart, wife of Robert Dudley, Elizabeth I's favorite favorite. Was it accidental or homicide? With the new security staff, the historian visit Babylon in 565BC with disastrous results when two of the team are left behind. But the new security chief is just the beginning of the changes, leaving Max and Markham to wonder if the place will survive.

Although I love the Chronicles of St. Mary's series, I wasn't sure I wanted to read this one based on the description and reviews left by other readers. But I started it and immediately got sucked in. There are a lot of changes and St. Mary's isn't the same place we've come to know. And what's up with Max and Peterson? Already ordered the next one from the library to find out what happens next.

Ishtar Gate, ancient Babylon

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