Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Lady Tan's Circle of Women by Lisa See

June 5, 2023

Lady Tan's Circle of Women by Lisa See

In 15th century China, Tan Yunxian grows up in a wealthy prestigious family. Raised largely by her grandparents, Yunxian studies to be a doctor from childhood, following in her grandmother's footsteps. Since male doctors are forbidden to touch or examine female patients, after her marriage, Yunxian focuses on illnesses that trouble women, particularly in their reproductive systems. Working in conjunction with a midwife, she treats not only the women in her household but also working women who come to her for help. But her work is not without controversy and she is criticized by the predominant male culture that she lives in. 

Based on an actual woman healer who wrote a book of her cases and remedies that are still used today, this is a fascinating look at life in the extended family of an upper class medieval Chinese household during the Ming dynasty, also of medieval medical practices and beliefs. Warning: the descriptions of foot binding are horrible, especially Yunxian's mother dying of blook poisoning after her feet become infected. I love See's books: wonderful descriptions, well-resesearched, highly recommended.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an eARC for review.

Drawing of Tan Yunxian

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