Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Whispers by Ashley Audrain

June 2, 2023

The Whispers by Ashley Audrain

Four couples in a suburban neighborhood. From the outside, their marriages appear solid. But then a child, a difficult child, falls from a window, causing a waterfall of secrets to come out.

I'm not a fan of domestic fiction, especially mommy fiction, and this one isn't even very suspenseful. First we had girl fiction; then we had woman fiction; now they have morphed into mommy fiction. Suburban housewives whose lives revolve around being mommies, while their husbands are having affairs, frequently with other mommies. The mommies look down on women who don't have children (kind of sick of this one - some of us didn't get a choice about having children). Way, WAY too many descriptions of miscarriage. Disappointing overall.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an eARC for review.

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