Thursday, June 29, 2023

Who Cries for the Lost by C. S. Harris

June 27, 2023

Who Cries for the Lost by C. S. Harris

Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, returns to solve another crime involving the aristocracy. A mutilated body is pulled from the Thames, and when he is identified, Sebastian realizes that he knows the man as a former army colleague. But then it is learned that his friend Paul Gibson and Paul's lover Alexi Sauvage have a connection to the man as well, and Sebastian races to discover the murderer.  The murdered man was a notorious rake who seduced the wives and daughters of a number of noblemen and at first the crime appears to be connected to his nighttime activities. But then other mutilated bodies are found floating in the river that seem to have no connection to the first man. Meanwhile, on the continent, Napoleon's date with Wellington and the British forces draws ever closer.

Another stellar entry into the series, well-researched, historically accurate. The picture of life in Regency England is one of the best things about this series. Sebastian's relationship with his father the earl continues to evolve, as does Paul's relationship with Alexi. The bad part is having to wait another year for the next installment.

Cabrera Island off the coast of Spain, which plays an unexpectedly large part in the story

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